Friday, June 17, 2011

Step One

They say happiness is a choice. It is an impunity option. Anyone can be happy if they choose to be. There is this sheer wall dividing the right-choice and the right-choice-for-YOU. 'Cause let's face it, we can never in a gazillion trillion years please each and every nosy spectator surrounding us. The only and single person we have to constantly check up on, whether he or she is genuinely happy, is ourselves. As for those no-better ass wipes intrusively breathing down our necks, screw you! Let us live our lives the way we want to. If we fall down and fuck up, don't worry.. We'll never get tired of getting up and learning.

For a delusional weirdo like me, keeping the mood and energy in tact is something I have to steadily keep up. I believe both hidden and evident depression is contagious. Though there are really ineludible phases that cannot be avoided. The tumult and chaos within us that we keep on sweeping underneath the rugs needs come out eventually. And trust me, when it does.. You'd be inhaling the purest and the most appeasing breath you have taken in a long time.

Hi! Was I convincing?!? Looool :) See. I can be optimistic if I want to- if I choose to. That's why I'm trying out this new theory of mine I call.. Step 1: Thinking leads to Acting. Being this shamefully sad, doesn't necessarily mean I can't act happy, can I? I am not doing this to deceive anyone. Not even pretend to be someone I'm not. I just got tired. Sick and disgusted to the person I almost had become. I barely recognized myself. Now. Enough icky stuff! Let us all start thinking happy and jaunty thoughts! Let's start there, and hopefully, these hooking smiles pay off :)

HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!! - Stimpy (Ren and Stimpy)