Saturday, September 24, 2016

3:00 AM Chit Chat

Two posts in two days.. *brush the shoulder*

Hehe.. Hello there. It's Rosey. Back at it again. Or at least trying to.

It's feels so weird writing with these same rough fingertips, but in a totally different spirit. Hence, the feeling of a some what out of body experience. The feeling of my skin against letters in bright red lighting. My thoughts being sifted through a system I am not sure how the brain processes. But it does. It works. A pause. Bite the lip. Find the right word. Arrange. Organise. Press. Magic.

Let's start with the things I have stuck with since five years ago.

FOOD. Particularly, pastry and bakery. Well folks, if there's anything in this fickle world I will stick to. It undoubtedly is food. All the edible sorcery the world has, will, and is producing is a blessing we all often take for granted. And shamelessly abuse. I am proud to have graduated this year in Singapore. And have pursued what my heart set me out to. I have been obsessively crafting sugar flowers for couture cakes. That I hopefully one day would make into as a full-time career. I am in love with this art. It's patient, beautiful, so thoughtful and sweet all at the same time. I have always loved drawing. I would spent hours my nose touching my sketch pad, translating how I see the world onto paper. It eventually got me into painting. And doing these edible flowers just satisfies that artistic itch. Each time I make a flower, I learn something different, the slightest curve, delicate crevices that need the utmost attention and care. I love it more and more.

BOOKS. I read every day. Every single dilatory day. As much as I love other things. This is just the water to my plant. The gas to my car. The vinegar to my Adobo. No contest. The feels a really good book makes me feel.. Orgasmic. It can make you cry like a deprived toddler. Laugh like a hysterical hyena. Fall in love like Bridgette Jones. Even a mediocre book sends me vibes and ideas that I will never get from somewhere else. If you're not a reader I don't blame you. As a friend, please take the time to read. Once you find the right kind of book for you, you will be a literature addict. And I will apologise in advance for taking a ginormous chunk of your life. Because you will spend hours and hours staring at words that will pierce right through your core you wouldn't even notice a second of your life ticking away. Khaled Hosseini is your man. Start with his Kite Runner. Followed by A Thousand Splendid Suns. You're welcome.

2:55 am. Score!

Smile for me will you? The world needs it.

