Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fight with love!

Before another SUGAR SORCERY post, I thought I would again channel a few worrisome, rambling thoughts into gibberish words and send it once again, to my beloved, the always reliable, unyielding stars. And of course, share all these with you too. You with that beautiful face lit up by the screen. Hello there.

In all the dark, the bad and the ugly the world contains and breeds, a single lit match is all it takes to make a difference. To light your own and another's lost soul into a path toward brighter, greener pastures. I ran again into an ancient post by an equally ancient friend that, still with its petty, nonsensical content, it still hurt me. It is so easy to do it nowadays, hiding behind a computer monitor, typing away to damage someone indefinitely. It's not just the lies, the rampant defamation, but the feeling of deceit. That someone who you, despite it being a short time, have loved truly as a sister, would have hate in their heart towards you. My mother would say these kind of people are not worth your time, nor space in your thoughts. But the hurt I felt was real. Still. I have forgiven 5 years ago. And would never take it back. To fight hate with love will forever be the brighter and greener path.

To you, who have felt that weakening, piercing hurt from someone, by someone you love or a total wandering stranger, intentionally or not, physically or in any form. Love them. Love them harder. Love them unconditionally. The world really needs it. Now more than ever.

Always hungry for love,
