Thursday, September 6, 2012

An ABC Away

An easy, lighter post. No fancy-shamncy emotionally perplexing words here. This is just a fun, getting-to-know-myself post. Okay. Here we go!
(A) Age: 7 years of bratty, snot-covered, fat-and-sugar diet years, 12 years of less brattiness, snot-free, yet still immersed in with the same diet, a year of yoyo moods and a combination of everything else. 20 years total. FACT: I am now a lover of nature's rainbow. I have fully come to love the freshness and miracles of nature in its natural state: that is fruits and veggies to you, junk foodies out there. Don't you worry. Those peanutbutter cups shall never be neglected!

(B) Bed Size: Queen Size. With two royalties sleeping on it.

(C) Chore You Hate: Worrying. UGH. Such a chore. It is the worst of them all.

(D) Dogs? I adore them. Wish I could own one. A big dog. A black Labrador! I shall name him Jack.

(E) Essential Start Your Day Item: FOOD. Within 5 minutes or less of waking up.

(F) Favorite Color: Orange. To wear? Black, white and gray. With a pop of color.

(G) Greens? Like what I said, I couldn't get enough of them. For about 6 months now, they've become my best friend. I literally have to have something green in every meal. (That's up to 6-8 meals a day) Though quite frankly, I can never be a vegetarian. The vegan or whatever meat-free diet is just not for me. This girl has to have her meat and cheese. And again, just so we're clear, some junkfood just can't be obsolete. Balance is the key. 70% what your body needs, the other 30% can be what YOU need. Emergency cases are an exception of course. Yes. Those are THE days.

(H) Height: 5' 5"

(I) Instruments You Play: The spatula, baby!

(J) Job Title: An unemployed, struggling culinary artist-artist

(K) Kids? Sure. In about a decade.

(L) Live: A humbly, estrogen-oozing, single-womanly run home. (by my mega mothaa)

(M) Marriage? The beginning of my happily ever after.

(N) Nicknames: Rose, Rosey (there are a handful of people who could pull off calling me Rosey. And when they do, it's one of the sweetest sounds), and Abba (short for TABA-meaning fat in Tagalog. Only a family member calls me this.) Why yes internet. I am innately and perpetually a fatty. But remember, balance, balance, BALANCE

(O) Overnight Hospital Stays? Yes. 2 weeks when I had dengue. I was quite the sickbug. That's why I kept losing weight. Regular colds and flu would last weeks with me. Unfortunately until now, I am 20 years old and I still get sick quite often. My mom says I naturally have a weak body. It's quite upsetting actually. That's why I'm always hungry. (the literal kind) It's my body's way of coping I guess. This is the main reason why I am fully committed to this new leaf. The balance thing is going great so far. Hopefully no more sick days for me. Anyway. Let's go back to these questions, shall we?

(P) Pet Peeve: Liars and assholes. A combination is catastrophic.

(Q) Quote from a Movie: Oh. Couldn't think of one right now. I wouldn't want to simply search for one. Mmmmm. How about from a book instead? "I love you everyday, now all I can do is miss you every day." It's from For One More Day by Mitch Albom. It's imprinted in my head ever since.

(R) Right or Left Handed?

(S) Siblings: An older sister. She's a junkfoodie too! A harder one to steer, though. But.... challenge accepted!

(T) Time You Wake Up? Depends. All I know is I get cranky when I sleep less than 8 full hours. Which means I am a pain in the ass on most mornings.

(U) Underwear: How am I supposed to answer this? Uh. Yes? I wear one everyday.

(V) Vegetable You Dislike: I don't dislike any vegetable at all. I have learned to love them. Really. Which is good. And that includes bitter, slimy veggies. They are my pals now. Huraaah huraaaah

(W) What Makes You Laugh: Mmmm. You can't really pin point exact moments of jovial outbursts. All I know is my genuine laughing-my-panties-off, on-the-verge-of-peeing-a-little laughs are simply priceless.

(X) X-tra Large? Softdrinks? No. I have cut that out of my system for about a year now. Rehabilitated and proud of it! But everything else that I truly, truly like has to supersized. Or else I'll end up getting seconds. But yet again, BALANCE

(Y) Yummy Food You Make: EVERYTHING! *taps on the back* Kidding. Well at least I try to. My motto is to cook with all the senses you have. That entails how it will smell, look, taste, and feel on the tongue. The cacophonous sizzles in the pan takes care of the sound. Of course, the laughs around the table shall complete your masterpiece. Cooking with the heart always comes through your food. It's like you are sharing a piece of you for them to take in (literally). They may not remember all the random conversations you've had that day. But the one's who were able to genuinely enjoy the gems of your labor shall have that within them for the rest of their lives. (And yes, even after going to the bathroom)

(Z) Zoo, Favorite Animal: Sharks and Dolphins. Have seen them only once at the Manila Ocean Park. And I fell inlove. They are misunderstood, magical kings of the sea.

This was fun! I'd like to do one purely about food.
TAG! You're it! Comment and try it.
Have a great one, YOU!
(A) Age: (B) Bed Size: (C) Chore You Hate: (D) Dogs? (E) Essential Start Your Day Item: (F) Favorite Color: (G) Greens? (H) Height: (I) Instruments You Play: (J) Job Title: (K) Kids? (L) Live: (M) Marriage? (N) Nicknames: (O) Overnight Hospital Stays? (P) Pet Peeve: (Q) Quote from a Movie (R) Right or Left Handed? (S) Siblings: (T) Time You Wake Up? (U) Underwear: (V) Vegetable You Dislike: (W) What Makes You Laugh? (X) X-tra Large? (Z) Zoo, Favorite Animal:

Monday, September 3, 2012

Breathing... and HUNGRY.

Why hello there, Internet. It's me. Your fist-gripping, annoyingly credulous ghost-like virtual friend.

Do you know that feeling where there are gazillion trillion things, feelings and words you want to release and scream? But when you do open your mouth, nothing comes out. Zilche. It is that untrappable feeling where all you seem to hear are chirping birds and tight held up breaths. So.... Let's just skip all awkward shenanigans and just jump right in to it. Shall we?

I just finished reading ALL my posts. Posts that can be miraculously summed up into two teeth-grinders that happen to both begin with two dreaded A's-- ANGST and ANGER. I panicked. I was apprehensive and chafed. And I will beat you to it by saying that it was verily quite a ride. I can tell you right this weary moment that it is not one of those theme park adrenaline-pumping rides we all line half of an entire day for. It is the overbearingly existing kind, an amateurishly composed script for a rejected movie about a hormonally unstable girl that at the beginning had her heart pulverized into unsightly micro pieces of dust, and then with the fast-pace nature of life, by moving on she realized that in her mischievous subconscious, what she desperately seek for is paternal-love. From there on, a loop-DE-loop of shitholes had emerged. That somehow, in the semi-distorted position she is in now, she has managed to dodge all these and maintain the perpetual state of whatever it is that she is in. (Which is yet to be found out) Confusing, I know.

Well. I guess it is finally safe to say that I am breathing again. Almost full inhales of oxygenous, smoggy and semi-herbaceous air. My nostrils couldn't be more thrilled. Lungs flaring with excitement. Taste buds curious and are refusing to settle for the mundane. People who know me can tell you that I am quite the eater. I was greedy for grease. Too greasy for green. And too green for solemnity. But this appetite has evolved into something different entirely. Though butterfingers, peanut butter cups and cheetos are still occasional, alleviating flings. But what I want now is something bigger, not in quantity but bona fide, unadulterated quality- the world. The world and its entire greatness. The sensations of life without its limits. And I'm ready for that now. I am all set, and well... hungry.

Now I pledge to you my precious, precious reader: I, Hungry Rosey, a self-propagating catalyst to an expedition to true supremely transcending greatness (superlative overload), my cheapo 10-inch knife on one hand, utensils on the other, shall delve, smell, taste, touch and experience the very essence of God's magnum opus-- life.

Let's go! Melodic burps await!!/hungryrosey

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Stronger Than Ever!

Total and utter bliss. *fingers crossed*

I was beyond wrong to doubt it. He does care. Now I'm sure. I love you, Papa.

On a seemingly sour note,

I must repel all negative shenanigans lurking on all corners. All bullshit attacks towards me shall nonetheless, retain its perpetual state, B-U-L-L-C-R-A-P. You know who you are. I feel sorry you and your pathetic attempts on making an ass out of yourself, whatever kind of creature you are. Seriously, who would even have the ability to think of saying such disgustingly fabricated remarks?

I know myself. Quite frankly, I would put the lives of everyone that matters to me on the line and say that I am the type of person who makes sure each and every second of my time that I do good, be the best daughter of God that I can be. The people who loves me knows this too. And that's all that matters.

I hope everyone who'll be able to read this never thinks twice on trusting him/herself. Never let anyone, and I mean any living soul pull you down. Never give them the satisfaction with your falls nor faults, you won't allow it because you'll always, always stand back up- stronger!

I'll take character over reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. -Drake

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Maaaan. That was some previous post, wasn't it? I had to catch my breath while I was reading it. Now how the hell did I manage to be both mean and pitied at the same time?

This moment of my existence has got to be written off history. A vastly brutal phase emerging from the grounds of who-knows-what. Who knew an almost twenty-year-old lunatic would have the strength and dexterity to grasp all of these stricken at her with an embossed dignity? To tell you honestly, I had barely wrapped a finger on the situation, Internet. But, I attacked it head on.

Perhaps all of it was too much. Too heavily brought. Too unbearably real.

I wanted to post as much as I possible could. My art. My food. All the things that drives my being. Not just the I-hate-world part. Fighting all hurdles isn't what life's about, my dear Internet. It's what we're fighting for that makes life worth living.

My birthday's coming. Who wants cake?!