Saturday, May 28, 2011

Food For Thought

Different people cope in different ways. The world is diverse enough to hold assorted personalities that survive by various means. Some act like deranged wild animals let out of their cages. But then at the end of the day, cry like lost juviniles wanting their mommies. Some fortunate shitheads, simply live their usual lives like nothing happened. Whether they are prentinding not to care or they genuinely do not give any shit, it's definitely an impressive skill. A few become instant opposite of themselves thinking that it would prove something. Good boys turn into disgusting asswipes while goody good two shoes women end up being abberant bitches. Others, in a simpler term, turn to FOOD! They just eat their hearts out. Quite a pain in the ass (or should I say enlarges ones' ass). But hey, better be a fatty than a bewildered stuck up biatch, eh?

I will not let this ruin me. My heart may be damaged right now, but I know it's stil a good one. Perhaps maybe even a great one. Capable of loving more than before. More than a heart that's whole to begin with. You just wait, Mr. Whoever-the-hell-you-are! You just wait..

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