Friday, September 13, 2013


NEW POST.  ClickInhale.  *lungs status: maximum oxygen capacity, a lil' more on the left lung*

Hi. *gasp* hihi.. Guess who's back, internet? Moi!

Okay... This is where things get a little awkard-ish. I guess..

Well....... I actually prepared a tini-tiny speech. Ehem. Here goes my close to unprecedented reputation.


I am filled with overflowing hoarded plans and ideas. Fluorescent lightbulbs that seem to give birth to unintended AND uncalled for brats. Multiplying every flying second. That is in desperate need of action by the way. Major results. ASAP.

My former fire and zeal was put out by  this metaphoric bucket of halts and orange lights. Frustration is squeezing out both the fuel and igniters within me. That flame I have been waiting for for so damn long? The one I have been saving for consumption during "the" race? Where the hell is it? I must say it. And I must blurt it out real quick. *inhale* At this point in my life, I would have wanted myself blazing through life with my chin held up high, shoulders back, a perfectly honed knife on my right hand, a little bruised and burns here and there, and on my scarred left hand, a humble Staedtler pencil. I would have pictured myself, at this hour cuddling with significant other, greasy cheeks to greasier cheeks, feeding him my oh so majestic double chocolate chip cookies. A Rosey surrounded by the people she values most, all smiles and laughs, couldn't imagine life getting any better. Fulfilled. Contented. I am 21 years old now. Yes OLD. I feel old. Mouldy even. I keep thinking like an old woman. Just too old.

This is a warm up post. A short entry to heat up my ever so blurred yet raw thoughts. I wish, whoever you are that's reading this right now, could read beyond these sluggish lines. Feel the feelings I am trying to come across. That maybe, in some distorted way, I could reach you, a person who's trapped too. A silly willy who just can't keep up with her continuously silly-ing self. You are not alone fellow alien. We come in peace. (I think)

 The still..
 Hungry Rosey!/hungryrosey


Not-So-Alien-Alien said...

Feels. Good read.

Fellow alien, I think we've met before. Maybe while we we were traversing this universe called life, on wormhole commonly called grade school.

Probably you're wondering. How did I get here?
Well... wormholes.. lol

I come in peace (I think) :)

Unknown said...

Greetings! *18 minute recondite handshake* hihi..

Fancy running into you here.. Glad you enjoyed an episode of the Rosey's-mental-state-isn't-stable-today show. Hehe. Wait a sec, perpetual weirdness aside, do I really know you? From the wormholes of grade school? Curious.

May it be peace or cannibalistic war. We aliens stick together! Antenna to antenna, weaved!


Not-So-Alien-Alien said...

I had a trip down memory lane and it was pretty frickin funny.

Do you really know me? That would be a yes unless you bumped your head in an asteroid or something.

What's up? Seriously. You fell off the radar after high school. No facebook or anything. What a hippie. jkjk :))

The way you write makes me feel like I'm in
(that was a compliment, love that site)

I would want to read everything but for now I gotta go to this planet called work. Laters :)

Unknown said...

Hell there my fellow rainbow blooded martian. How's this banal world treating you?

Well... I've done two things before replying. First, googled LOL! I just couldn't go pass that artcile entitled, "Nicholas Sparks and Other Reasons Why I Hate Making Out In The Rain" Seriously! The depths earthling minds reaches these days! Quite entertaining.

Second. Contemplated. As for being a hippie as you say. Haha. Cellphones and facebook.. Ahh well, may I say these became too cool for me? Really. Wanted to live simpler, less demanding. Wish I had an owl to send cryptic messages instead. What a dream that would be, eh? Planning to get that cellular device again though. Seems that the world requires it. Hahaha. Damn, I do sound like a hippie.

Well anyway. Good luck at "work" my fellow martian. What ever that is. *wink

Just send magnetic waves through your atenna when earthlings begin crossing the line. Radar's always on. Reinforcements ready for battle. Laters!


Not-So-Alien-Alien said...

That's a good question. Well I'm writing this after walking for an hour and a half from work to home cause these earthlings like to cramp themselves in those huge metal containers with wheels. I find it very very weird.

Maybe I'm agoraphobic, maybe I just really like taking long walks or maybe buses and trains got too cool for me too. As for me I wish I was born in a tribe somewhere. Hunt-eat-drink-dance-sleep.

And... tough call between hippie and hipster. Earthlings like to call themselves too many names. It's confusing me

Really had no idea you were like this. You changed. Or maybe I was too dumb to see a fellow martian right in front of me

Unknown said...

An hour and a half walk after a long day at work? That takes serious dedication my martian friend. Hat's off to you.

Have a mild case of agoraphobia too. I fear fears. Talk about double jeopardy. But do not worry! You are not alone!

I would love to live like a caveman as well. A prehistoric nomad who knows how to flush the toilet. (Sorry but I refuse to do the deed squatting and fertilize the earth) We must thank the human civilization for chocolate btw. We cannot take what the human race contributed to the galactic sensation of their culinary arts lightly. Their pizza and junkfood are out of thie world!

Earthlings are weird. The world hands them everything and they don't even know it. They keep on passing on the confusion amongst themselves. The mundane does that you know. Hihi.

I still do not have the slighest idea of who you are my martian friend. Got any plans on introducing yourself? The earthling way. Since we are here residing in their planet. And I doubt you're dumb for not noticing my fuzzy atenna. I bet.. Well.. You just weren't looking.


Not-So-Alien-Alien said...

I don't know about you but walking huge distances is underrated, well in my humble martian opinion.

Gotta agree about their expertise in chocolate alchemy here. Honestly, I'm not even going to pretend sweets > booze.

Well I never thought about doing #2 the caveman way. I guess you're right.

Note to self: Bring toilet if you find a time machine

I got confused about introducing myself the earthling way. How do you suggest I do that?

I have enough reason to be curious about your musical preference my hippie-martian friend

That out of this world pun. LOL

Unknown said...

A walking martian. Impressive. Apologies. I am more of a flying type of a martianette.

Heck yeah! Chocolate is lethal. Most definitely my weapon of choice when the universe transverses into galactic battle. They shall all kneel before me with a half-face chocolate mustache.

You can start with your earthling name, my martian pal.

Music is a given. A celestial achievement the world has produced. Shame how it's evolved from art to purely $$$. Commercialism sickens my alien insides.


Not-So-Alien-Alien said...

I don't like leaving my martian footprints on the internet cause... agoraphobia

To be a bit discreet. My name in earthling phonetics is

Step 1 Your last name
Step 2 Remove the last vowel
Step 3 Replace it with a U

Surprise surprise!

I expected an insert-hipster/hippie-band-name-here but.. yeaa

Oh shit you don't remember me

Unknown said...

Holy cow! You found meeee! How can I not remember you, silly?

You're one of my favorite earthlings residing in this planet! Not knowing we breathe the same aberrant air. I'm not even kidding! Wish I knew you were a fellow multicolored martian, then. Imagine the celestial alien bond we could have formed!

But I wouldn't blame you though. We do what we do to survive. See what we want to see. Conform to the rules of society. Just act and never question.

Missed you, my silly martian friend! Ahhh your laugh! Is it still that cracking chuckle? Haha loved that!

You are officially the single and only person (referring to the front human body you're in) that's the same breed as me. Uh whatever that is.

I have a good feeling about this. Hihi

Imagine Dragons. Made me want to participate in this lifetime.

Great hearing from you. Made my day, martian friend.


Not-So-Alien-Alien said...

Hahaha looking back I feel like I was half asleep throughout grade school and high school. Surprising how I could be one of your favorite earthlings.

And yea reading that made me do that stupid crackling chuckle. It is funny how you could remember that. I guess it sounded too retarded for anyone to forget. LOL

I still remember the times you played dota with us. Right Ms. Lina Inverse? Ohhh good times, good times 8)

Ooohhh. Awesome taste. Its time to begin, isnt it? I get a little bit bigger but then I'll admit, I'm just the same as I was

Same here. Stay in touch, martianette!

Unknown said...

Email me the digit to your cellular device. Atenna's reception is kinda rusty in this planet. Electromagnetic signals aren't working.


Enjoy your long walks, my martian friend! Don't breathe in too much pollution, okay? Heard it does the human lungs no good.

Will most definitely keep I touch. Fuzzy atenna promise!


Unknown said...


Lol. My Imagine Dragons friends know what they're talking about. Really is time to begin. Bigger. But the same.

Alien said...

Haha I'll try. It's kinda polluted everywhere though

You got mail

You were still awake at 4am? Needless to say, that's not healthy for any martian or earthling

Unknown said...

True. There is no escaping it. It sucks our martian gills don't function here.

Got it!

Haha yeah. So happens I'm doing a lot of earthling duties lately. Ignore my nocturnal functioning. It's just that this human body operates better at night.


Anonymous said...

Ahh. Nocturnal is fine. Just don't get caught in the loop and forget about sleeping altogether. I did once and it's not something I would recommend, unless you like hallucinations in the morning. LOL

Unknown said...

LOL. Hallucinations are awesome. I would love to zone out once in a while. Oh shit I think I still occasionally do.

I daydream. I like diving into my own head. Do you do that? I sometimes make these stories, at times long ones then I pause when reality hits, then continue once I'm sucked in again. Maaan, espcially during my RP/mmorpg playing days! Ahhh there was a time when final fantasy was injected into my veins. Damn it was literally all I could think about. Then came the MMORPG's! Ahh ragnarok days! Then RAN and a bunch more!

My nerd patches are itching now.


Not-So-Alien-Alien said...

RPGs and MMOs. Those were the days!

I daydream most of the time I'm awake. Actually most of the music I listen to nowadays, I handpicked to enhance dem daydreams. Haha

Sorry for the super late reply, I've been kinda busy lately

See ya soon :)