Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Hungrier Diaries

Hello there distant, wandering reader. Presumably, solely a physically "distant" wanderer. Mental wavelength-wise, I am pretty sure we are just, side by side.

2017 is here. It came so fast I didn't even get to flinch. Did you? Time is so darn precious that it slips away from in between our fingertips without our control. Who can constantly keep up? Even though it might just verily be a controversially false concept created by the human race as a form of measure. We are controlled by it. Willingly or not, we are all slaves of time.

Speaking of a false, measurable master, time is also a blessing. It is a gift from the universe to us most oftenly, the undeserving. Long, short, draggy or worthwhile, you can always count on its existence. The question now is how well and wise are we in using it. Or better yet in riding its unpredictable current. This year has been both painful and rewarding. A year full of opportunities and failures. Both and the same fighting to outweigh each other. Who won? Neither. The thing is, one of the most vital learning I have absorbed this year is, I get to choose who wins. Every single time.

New Year's resolution has already landed its place way back my procrastination-pile. And so, this year is all about both equations and solutions. I ask the question, I find the answer. The solution. It is that simple. Life has taught me a handful of cryptic equations that I never dared to solve. And that needs to change, and will change. Nearing my quarter life phase is just around the corner and I am not heading there unprepared. Hence, armor and ammunition readily in hand.

Life is so painfully beautiful. All the aches, cracks, and breaks that comes with it. Ugly in its own harsh way that it is brimming with undeniable beauty. Beauty that you, yourself will only get to see. You just need to look.

Life Kick-Ass Formula 2017:

Ask, solve, and make it count. And don't forget to be kind, today. Or on any day.

Hungrier than last year,


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