Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tik Tok..

Deafening clicks and ticks.. The clock is constantly ticking, my ardous forbearing reader. And its skinny hands shall continue coursing its way second by second to sugary infinity.

Hi! It's me again. Quite engrossed in this sweet reboot I am venturing in. Lacking in this requirement the human body demands though. Earthlings call it "sleep". An unfamiliarity to your vocabulary as well? Ahh, fellow nocturnal creauture, you know... The imminent act where we close both eye lids. We shut down our conscious mind.  Let our subliminal selves take us blissfully away to dream land. The haven of deliruim and utter ecstasy. A yearn for euphoria I suppose. Who wouldn't want to habituate in paradise, eh? Hell yeah, I would.

So... I am currently submerged, nose-deep in shimmering shenanigans.. It is what you would call.. An oh so buttery "venture". I am painstakingly treading my way above the waters of majestic confection. A sweet, sweet culinary expedition. I am pretty pumped up! Took me a long time to feels this again. Hungry.. Excited! The fire is back! But I am not going to lie... The sugar buzz contributes to the hyper modes, my beloved reader. Ahhh, it has never let me down me, the power of glucose.. Amen.


Stay tuned for the best cookies, cakes, pies and everthing nice you will ever, ever consume in your lifetime and beyond! Hehe. I kid, I kid. But seriously, I shall humbly present my babies soon. I just have to make everything perfect for you guys. Share a piece of my ultimate euphoria. Sweet sensations for the perpetually hungry.

Ready your sacharrine fangs, my co ravenous martians! My sugary babies are on it's waaaay!
(Instagram for updates!)

Hungry Rosey!/hungryrosey


Anonymous said...

the juice is worth the squeeze!

Unknown said...

Then let the squeezing begin!