Monday, September 16, 2013

From EX To Next Part II

Hi!   Well well.....   We meet again, my co wandering escapists. A part two of the previous, controversial post. Let us not waste one nanosecond, shall we? We have lots of poignant yet enthralling absurdities to discuss! Let us stimulate the ridiculousness within all of us! Let us begin!

The EX. Ex annoyingly itchy back scratch-ing. Ex I-am-going-to-die-from-giggles tickl-ling. Ex knockedout-from-minuscule-amounts-of-alcohol carry-ing. Ex I-ate-the-last-piece-with-a-huge-grin-on-my-whatever-sauce-covered-face-and-I-am-not-so-sorry-about-it convicti-ing. Ex even-people-from-Mars-deciphers-cacophonous-chuckles laugh-ing. Ahh.. Silliness. That's the thing that kept me in the relationship. *fake old man cough* Aside from that L word ofcourse. These memories are refreshing. It tells me why I should still treasure a failed relationship. Failed with quadruple big fat capital F's. But then... Reality bangs me in the head with an attention-grabbing reminder in neon lights that the worst thing out of all of  these is/was losing a best friend.

How did I know I have moved on? *dark, apocalyptic background music cue* Well first and foremost, I was still breathing. Anomalously short and seldom inhales. But enough to keep me alive (ish). Oh believe me, I wouldn't even attempt to glaze a whimsical I-was-fine veneer over the harrowing truth. That's bullcrap. I was a mess, my dear reader. A gigantic horrific, ghastly, widely abominable mess. Ahh just thinking about it pinches a certain segment of my heart. How horrible I felt.. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't talk. Couldn't even think straight! (Well that wasn't knew) All I did was eat and cry. Mostly at the same time, even. What a calamitous combo! That was how I dealt with it for a few months. But then, thankfully, before I began losing myself completely, I started this blog. Then began reading my eyes out. More intensely than before. From gory Scarpetta books to food and art history. Then I started to draw again. I discovered a hidden passion for these things. I was happy again. Just by being me. I realized the simpler things that became part of my animated daily self. Dilatory days were behind me. I was contented. My best friends were a big support. Pushed me to shed some vitamin D into my skin. Pushed me to date even! Ahh.. Now the dating part. Oh my goodness gracious golly  gesundheit gee whiz. How I hated this. Took me awhile.... A definite WHILE. My awkwardness paired with paranoia. A guaranteed disastrous typhoon! I tried it after two creativity rebirth years. It was rejuvenating. Well for one, he wasn't somebody I didn't know. We were actually pretty close even during my one relationship. He was a lil' sneaky then even. Though, any full bloomed love story didn't even get a chance to reach its Once upon a time. I sure did enjoyed it. The simple times. Simple easier times..

Now to be wooed.. To be swept off both my two left feet.. To be carried and flown away to utter bliss.. To be once and forevermore, treated like a queen and his world. *slo mo shampoo commercial-worthy hair flip* That's a different story. Yet to be written I guess? *wink

***to be continued

Now after this post....

Hugs and cookies,

The Hungriest Rosey.!/hungryrosey


Anonymous said...

Is this how scary to have an ex... you eat and cry? So true simple joys is enough to move on and push forward...

Unknown said...

Haha. It was the estrogen talking.

That's just one part. But the memories and growth are priceless. It is most definitely worth every stale crumb and piercing tear.

And yes. Nothing beats an unrestricted, belly out, full force burp.

Anonymous said...

looking forward for another eye opening facts of life...

Unknown said...

Oh my.. Well I wouldn't say facts of life per se. Just feels good to have an outlet.

Not sure yet an outlet of what really. But these words and thoughts have to go somewhere. Plus it's fun to read them once in awhile and go, "Man, I'm weird."

And besides, it is actually quite a refreshing break from the delightfully stimulating mental conversations I have with my reliable wall. What an awesome listener.

I wish I was kidding. Lol


Anonymous said...

From now on... I am a fan of your weird life haha.. I enjoy reading your blog.. The content is really interesting.. Something unexplainable.. Maybe im weird too?! Haha keep writing sicko.. Just kidding.. ( ^_^)/

Unknown said...

Gee thanks stanger! Glad my perpetual weirdness entertains you.

I bet you are too! Welcome to the club!

I shall try sir/ma'am. Appreciate it :)
